Saturday, June 20, 2009


EVERLAND RESORT is a theme park in Yongin, South Korea. It is the largest theme park in the whole South Korea. It is operated by the Samsung Group. It has been ranked tenth in the world in theme park attendance in 2007.

This is the SKYLINE. You have to ride it in order to go to the other side of the park. You can also walk but this one is much easier and at the same time, you can enjoy the view of the whole park.

This is the T EXPRESS. It is the largest roller coaster in South Korea. This is the first wooden roller coaster built in Korea but is the 6th longest roller coaster in the world. It stands 5,838 feet long. It takes 3 minutes to finish one whole ride. It's drop is around 79 degrees high! Can you imagine?

It took me around and hour or two to ride the roller coaster! But it was really worth it! I can't imagine I survived riding it! I wanted to ride one more time but we had to go already because we were only following the tour. This was the only ride I rode on the whole park since we didn't have enough time. And I can say that I chose the right ride to try!

I was shouting the whole time but there's no voice coming out! When you look at the roller coaster from a far, it looks like it only has one big drop and several medium drops. But when you're already riding it, oh my! It has a lot of drops! I can't remember how many but I know that it was more than what I saw before riding it! It has no loops, but the drops would really make you feel that feeling in your tummy! But it was amazing!
I want to go back and ride this again! Also, I want to try their other rides. I think they also have several roller coasters. I definitely must try them all out!

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