Tuesday, June 2, 2009


HAWAII is a state in the United States which was admitted in the Union on August 21, 1959. Honolulu on the island of O'ahu is the capital of Hawaii. It is one of the 8 main islands in southeastern end of the archipelago. It is the largest among the eight and is often referred to as the "Big Isle" or "Big Island".


What is a blow hole? It is a lava tube under water at a perfect height for the waves to be driven into it. Water is then compressed as the lava tubes becomes smaller and smaller causing the pressure to increase which forces the water to rise up to 30 feet high.

The Halona Blow Hole is a famous tourist spot in Hawaii. Many tourists make sure that they stop here but most of the time, they don't get to see the real power of the blow hole. It is best seen on a windy windy day where there is high tide. I hope that when I go there, I'm lucky enough to see the true power of the blow hole!


Beach once again. I told you I love beaches!! The Waimea Bay Beach Park is a perfect place for families to bond and enjoy the Hawaiian rays. There are also picnic areas wherein you can grill BBQ for dinner. Oh, yum! I have always wanted to have a picnic at the beach and hopefully I'll get to try it here! There is also a large rock at the side of the beach where most young people jump off and dive into the ocean. I definitely want to try this!


The USS Arizona Memorial is another tourist attraction in Hawaii. Inside, we can see the turret of the USS Arizona, an observation deck and a wall where you can see the names of those who lost their lives in the USS Arizona. There is also a boat ride wherein you will be toured around the place to pay tribute to the nation's heroes. While waiting for the boat ride, we can also see the USS Missouri Dock and the Blowfin Submarine. I want to go here because it is a historical landmark. I have watched the movie Pearl Harbor and I want to be there on the same place where it all happened.

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