Wednesday, June 10, 2009


These are my favorite M&M's! Crispy and Crispy Mint! I super love the Crispy Mint! It's a mixture of my favorite M&Ms and my favorite ice cream flavor which is Chocolate Mint. Perfect! But it's hard to look for one here in Manila. Whenever I see one, I always but a lot! It's really good, try it!

M&M World, Las Vegas
I want to go here! just seeing the pictures makes me want to go there now! I want to get all the M&Ms I want! I'm sure I'll be super excited once I get in the store. It has a wide selection of M&Ms, separated by color! Although it doesn't make much difference on the taste. But I love the colors! They're so nice and colorful! Yum yum! I can't wait!

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