Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Greece has always been a dream destination for me. I want to explore the ruins of historical landmarks. I'm very much interested in learning more about their culture and their food! Ohh food. I love to eat! I have tried eating in a Greek cuisine here, CYMA. The food is great! They even have a greeting whenever you order a particular dish. The waiters would say "OPA" when serving the dish. I find it interesting!


It was once an island but was destroyed by an enormous volcanic eruption. The Minoan Eruption is sometimes called the Thera eruption which is one of the world's largest volcanic eruptions. This is what was left from the volcanic eruption. I love how the place looks like. It's beautiful! To think that I have only seen it on pictures, what more when I'm already there? I'm sure it will be magical.


It is a modern town in Greece and at the same time, it is also an archaeological site. This is also where the Delphic Oracle was held, which is the most important oracle in the classical Greek world. Here, we can find the Temple of Apollo, Altar of Chians, Stoa of the Athenians and a whole lot more. During high school, I have read a lot about Greek Mythlogy and I found it very interesting! I love the stories of the Greek gods and goddesses. I want to see these amazing sites.


I am very interested in the Parhtenon. This is a beautiful historical landmark. It is also known as the Museum of the Goddess Athena. It was built with the impression that it is absolutely perfect. There are symbolisms on each side of the Parhtenon. The west side symbolizes Athena's conflict with Poseidon for Attica. This is such an interesting place to visit because it says a lot about the history of Greece. I wana go here soon!

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