Friday, May 29, 2009


Do you guys know the movie Into the Blue? It stars Paul Walker and Jessica Alba. A young couple who dives and aspires to become treasure hunters. They went on a vaction to the Bahamas and met two other friends. Together they went diving and exploring the ocean for treasure. And true enough, they found a wrecked airplane with lots of cocaine and evidences of a sunken ship with a treasure. Unfortunately, there were also criminals who are looking for the said treasure. Things gets complicated when they knew that thier friends dealt with the criminals. I gave you a little summary of the movie that inspired my next dream destination, THE BAHAMAS.

BEACH = PARADISE. Well, for me. I super love the beach because it is a perfect place for relaxation and a place where friends and families have fun in the sun, sand and water. The Bahamas offers a variety of beaches to choose from, each with its own characteristics. There are 3 major islands in the Bahamas: The Grand Bahama Island, Nassau Paradise Island, and the Out Islands.


This island has 5 different beaches. Each beach offers different activities to suit your mood. One is located near where the cruise ship docks, while another beach is just perfect for walking, swimming and sunbathing. Lots of choices to choose from! Remember, this is only the first island were talking about!


There are two kinds of beaches that you can choose from: "the activity beach" and "the secluded beach". They are both captivating in their own way. There are 9 different beaches in the Grand Bahama Island. This does not end here, there's one more island!


There are 3 beaches to choose from. One is where the annual Seafood Splash Festival is held, another is a perfect spot for children and for family picnics, and the last one is known for their hamburgers and tasty sandwiches. Wow, definitely a lot of beaches to choose from!

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