Thursday, July 2, 2009


WAFFLES WAFFLES WAFFLES. It's one of my favorite indulgences, whether for breakfast or for an afernoon snack. It feels so good waking up in the morning with the scent of golden crip waffles with that sweet maple syrup. Ofcourse, waffles are not complete without butter. Butter is one of our deadliest enemies (if you are health concious). Butter is made up of saturated fat which is not good for the body. But who can resist this yummy indulgence? I can't! It's so good!

While browsing through the internet, I found a site, Eating Well, wherein they are turning food recipes into healthy recipes. This gave me an idea for the blog because I want to share it to all of you so that you can still enjoy your favorite food, guiltless!


  • Use CANOLA OIL instead of butter to reduce calories and eliminate saturated fat.
  • Use EGG WHITES instead of whole eggs to cut down on calories and saturated fat.
  • Use ALL WHEAT FLOUR instead of all-purpose flour to add fiber.
  • USe FRESH FRUITS or YOGHURT to top your waffle instead of whipped cream or additional butter and syrup.


Calories 560

Fat 27 g

Saturated Fat 18 g

Sodium 938 mg

Fiber 2 g


Calories 241

Fat 4 g

Saturated Fat 0 g

Sodium 450 mg

Fiber 3 g

See the big difference?

Start enjoying your favorite dish the healthier way!

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